Mermaid and Lightsaber Ice Pop Holders

Ah… Summer. A time of sunshine, swimming, relaxation, and vacation. It was my absolute favorite time as a kid and as I watch my kids grow I can see it’s a time that they look forward to each year as well. One thing that always stands out about summer are those extra hot days. The 90+ degree days. The eternal heatwave stretch of summer. I’ve found that the best solution for those days is the classic ice pop. Not just any popsicle, but the ice pop aka freeze pop aka otter pop style. I can still recall those moments of coming into the house after a long day of running and playing in my grandpa’s backyard feeling as though I’d never cool down. Not even the coldest a/c could put a dent in summertime overheating! But always my grandpa would find the solution with that glorious ice pop and within seconds I’d feel better than ever. There’s just something about overly sugary flavored ice. It just hits the spot (especially the red and green ones, my favorite!).

As I mentioned in the previous posts, I’ve recently gone through a move. Currently I’m setting up my office and trying to get my work space in order and throughout all of my organizing I’ve come across many old photos and patterns. I happened upon a couple of ice pop holder patterns from when my kids were a lot smaller and it just warmed my heart looking back at the photos. Back in the days when their little hands became too cold holding their ice pops. They loved them so much, but it always sent such a chill to their tiny little bodies! I knew then I needed to come up with a solution for them to have a better, more comfortable grip of the popsicles because I wanted them to be able to enjoy them as much as I did when I was little! My solution was a popsicle holder. Of course, my girls being entirely opposite of one another, I had to make them in a way to appeal to each child. My oldest was huge into Star Wars at the time so I treated her to a lightsaber holder style. My youngest was into everything princess and mermaids so we settled on a mermaid fin style. It was great fun coming up with the designs and they were well loved that whole entire summer! So loved, in fact, that I ended up selling more of them at my local farmers market for all the other kids in town to enjoy as well. They were a hit!

And so, let me share with you, my two ice pop holder patterns.

Continue reading Mermaid and Lightsaber Ice Pop Holders

Mermaid Doll

As a fellow crocheter I’m sure any one of you reading this can certainly relate to the dreaded yarn overflow problem. If you’re anything like me, you collect yarn compulsively. Currently I have at least five bins of yarn in my basement. I use yarn out of each bin, but always there’s that one dedicated bin for novelty yarns that I admittedly do not use as much as I should. I fall in love with a color/color combo of yarn, find endless amounts of clearance yarn, or am gifted yarn by someone else with good intentions. I swear to myself I’ll eventually get to using those beautiful yarns, but always they end up in the novelty yarn bin. As I was going through my yarn the other day I came across many types of yarns I oooohed and ahhhhhed over, swearing yet again that I would pick them up and find purpose for them. This project was meant to be exactly that. A purpose for at least one skein of the forgotten novelty yarn.

This beautiful rainbow yarn was meant to be mermaid hair. Am I wrong?

Continue reading Mermaid Doll