Velvet Rabbit

It’s been awhile since I posted and I do apologize! Since the beginning of the year my house has been in a constant state of chaos in preparation for moving. This includes all sorts of fun home repair projects, packing up house, realtor visits, the works! I was also presented with an amazing opportunity that I’ll expand upon next post with a specifically inspired project! So stay tuned… Still though, with Easter around the corner, I did find time to make up this adorable velvet rabbit pattern and I wanted to share it with all of you!

I had in the past made up a bunny pattern from the thicker blanket yarn, but since seeing velvet yarns all around craft stores, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to make up a new pattern featuring this perfect yarn. Thoughts of the old childhood story Velveteen Rabbit came to mind while making her up and of course I just had to share it!

Continue reading Velvet Rabbit

Tiffany Turtle

This fun project is brought to you by my newest discovery of Bernat’s Velvet yarn line. Oh my goodness, I can’t resist a soft yarn (as you probably noted from prior posts!) and this yarn line is irresistible! I had bought some originally for velvet pumpkins (check out my real stem pumpkin post to try your hand at some: Real Stem Pumpkins ) and had a bit leftover. I immediately thought of a turtle shell due to the natural green color. I’m always a fan of something huggable, and while turtles themselves aren’t very huggable, this one sure is! Meet Tiffany the turtle. She’ll make the perfect best friend for anyone you know who loves turtles!

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The Super Soft Pumpkin

I am a sucker for Halloween. I’m that person who is obsessively scouring the store aisles in August, waiting for school supplies to vanish from the shelves and Halloween decor items to take their place. I’m yearning for pumpkin spice lattes in July, practically beating down Starbucks’s door come September when they finally roll out. Once even a hint of Halloween rolls up into town I am in constant ghoulish party mode!

Sadly though, it’s still only August and fall is a ways away. People around me are telling me to cool it and let summer live out its final days. I can’t seem to find my balance with waiting out those long, hot days when my mind is constantly playing Halloween tunes and my house is already giving off the scents of cinnamon and pumpkin though. So what to do? Well, make a pumpkin pattern, of course!  Continue reading The Super Soft Pumpkin

Mermaid Doll

As a fellow crocheter I’m sure any one of you reading this can certainly relate to the dreaded yarn overflow problem. If you’re anything like me, you collect yarn compulsively. Currently I have at least five bins of yarn in my basement. I use yarn out of each bin, but always there’s that one dedicated bin for novelty yarns that I admittedly do not use as much as I should. I fall in love with a color/color combo of yarn, find endless amounts of clearance yarn, or am gifted yarn by someone else with good intentions. I swear to myself I’ll eventually get to using those beautiful yarns, but always they end up in the novelty yarn bin. As I was going through my yarn the other day I came across many types of yarns I oooohed and ahhhhhed over, swearing yet again that I would pick them up and find purpose for them. This project was meant to be exactly that. A purpose for at least one skein of the forgotten novelty yarn.

This beautiful rainbow yarn was meant to be mermaid hair. Am I wrong?

Continue reading Mermaid Doll

Theodore the Super Soft Teddy Bear

My first best friend was my beloved light brown teddy bear named Teddy, gifted to me by my late Nana. As a child I remember Teddy tagging along with me everywhere. He went on every wild adventure my little mind could come up with and protected me from all of the evil monsters under my bed every single night. There was such a deep comfort in holding Teddy in my arms, one I can still recall to this day each and every time I pick up a teddy bear. I always wonder if each bear I see will provide a child with as much happiness as my own Teddy brought me…  I feel like all teddy bears are made to have a story of their own. Being a creator of toys, I figured it was definitely time to try my hand at a good old fashioned teddy bear pattern. After all, handmade toys get to have the best stories of all!  Continue reading Theodore the Super Soft Teddy Bear

Adventure Time BMO Doll

One of my favorite things about working the farmers market each summer are the many people I get to interact with and meet. People of all ages pop into my booth, most with something to add to my day. Many times there are compliments over my work. Other times there is kind critique, much that I take in thoughtfully to improve designs, set up, etc. My favorites though are always the ones who come in and decide to ask for a custom request. I absolutely love custom requests. They always tell so much about a person! What their interests are, why they are gifting a certain item to another close friend… That one little inside joke you’re let in on. The gift that says more about their love language or that little plushie that acts as a special comfort tool. All custom requests are fun for me. I have yet to find one that hasn’t inspired me in one way or another.

One day last summer a teenage boy nervously approached my booth asking me to make this Adventure Time BMO doll. He was so shy. His body language seemingly shouted, “Will she think I’m weird asking for this doll???” I didn’t. Everybody has their own interests and I knew some of mine were a lot crazier than that of an Adventure Time fan! Ha! The biggest thing understood though was how it felt to be a fan of something, and wanting something to deeply reflect on said interest.

Naturally I was enthusiastic to take on the challenge. I knew BMO wasn’t going to be the easiest to make and would require a lot of pieces, but I was determined to make it work. I really wanted to make a fan of the show happy, so I got to work. In less than a week a pattern was written out and BMO was finished. The teenage boy met me at my booth bright and early that weekend for his BMO doll and he was no longer nervous but elated with joy over my creation. His grin could be seen from miles away! He kept in touch with me after that and enthusiastically rattled off multiple other fan favorites I could create in the future. Anytime I can bring a nervous kid out of his shell is such an awesome feeling! The best part of crocheting is giving away the creation and seeing the happiness it brings.

And so here today I offer the totally free Adventure Time BMO pattern so that it can be passed on and shared with other fans of the show!

Continue reading Adventure Time BMO Doll

Witchy the Crochet Witch Doll

We’re halfway through October and Halloween enthusiasm is everywhere! I love it! As I’ve said in previous posts, my family is always BIG into Halloween and I do mean BIG. So big, in fact, that my youngest daughter Iris had an imaginary friend based off of a sweet little witch her mind came up with when she was three. She called this friend “Witchy” and oh the many stories she would tell us about her! Sometimes Witchy would fly along our car as we drove, other times she’d spend the night next to her keeping all of the monsters away. Her love of that witch knew no bounds! One day she approached begging me to create a crochet version of Witchy. She described her every detail making sure to always tell me that Witchy was a “nice” witch and a “good friend”. Of course I had to come up with this sweet little witch for her and now I have it available for you to share with any little one in your life! So… Meet Witchy the Crochet Witch Doll!  Continue reading Witchy the Crochet Witch Doll