Mermaid Doll

As a fellow crocheter I’m sure any one of you reading this can certainly relate to the dreaded yarn overflow problem. If you’re anything like me, you collect yarn compulsively. Currently I have at least five bins of yarn in my basement. I use yarn out of each bin, but always there’s that one dedicated bin for novelty yarns that I admittedly do not use as much as I should. I fall in love with a color/color combo of yarn, find endless amounts of clearance yarn, or am gifted yarn by someone else with good intentions. I swear to myself I’ll eventually get to using those beautiful yarns, but always they end up in the novelty yarn bin. As I was going through my yarn the other day I came across many types of yarns I oooohed and ahhhhhed over, swearing yet again that I would pick them up and find purpose for them. This project was meant to be exactly that. A purpose for at least one skein of the forgotten novelty yarn.

This beautiful rainbow yarn was meant to be mermaid hair. Am I wrong?

Continue reading Mermaid Doll

Potted Crochet Flowers

Spring weather is finally upon us and I just can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt and plant some flowers! It’s always a favorite time of year for my family and me. We spend countless hours shopping around for the perfect plants to make our backyard colorful and full of life.  Roses, succulents, lilies, daffodils, tulips… We love them all! My personal favorite are always the lilacs filling my yard with their brilliant perfume. Oh how I can’t wait for those to bloom!

Unfortunately for me, however, I have no true green thumb. Actually, if we’re being honest, I’m pretty much the worst gardener ever. I try as hard as I can each year, but always fail. Vegetable gardens produce pathetic produce, if any. Once flourishing flower arrangements droop down into brown, dried, root-rotted sadness. My hopeful succulent gardens? Even they shrivel up and die, though I do proudly admit that I’ve had the same window sill cactus for two years now! So perhaps there is hope!

For now though, I’ve found a better alternative than that of continuing to kill perfectly healthy live plants. If I have no luck growing them, why not create something on my own that can outlast any real plant? And so came forth the idea of these potted crochet flowers! Something that can keep my home cheerful and push forth celebratory feelings of the new spring season,  and also something I can’t kill! My very own potted crochet flowers.

Continue reading Potted Crochet Flowers

Dish Scrubbies

Dish scrubbies. Such a simple cleaning item, but oh so underrated. It was my first year working at our local farmer’s market that I discovered not only the convenience of being able to create my own household cleaning item, but also how absolutely AWESOME the crochet dish scrubber is. Seriously, crochet dish scrubbies are AMAZING. Not only is it something that works up insanely quickly, but it is LONG-LASTING in your kitchen, EFFECTIVE at cleaning, and totally capable of being RE-USED. If it starts to smell funky, just toss it in the dishwasher/washing machine and it’s ready to go, BRAND NEW, once again! I could go on and on about these, but how about I just pass on the knowledge someone else gave to me instead?  Continue reading Dish Scrubbies